Here is a brief from cheap London escorts on what the article is going to be about: “Whether you’re in a long distance relationship, in a polyamorous relationship, or just dating around, it’s hard to know how your significant other will react when he/she finds out about your love life.”. 

I’m dating two guys at the same time and one found out yesterday. Should I tell both of them that I have been cheating? 

That’s an easy question. The answer lies with three simple words: no judgement. Don’t judge yourself harshly, and don’t put pressure on your partner to accept all of the facts without question — we’re all entitled to our secrets; it’s how we handle them that matters most. 

Time and time again, we see that it’s how we handle these things that defines us as people. Just ask yourself: what would you do if you were in the same situation? Imagine how your life would unfold if you made a choice to do nothing — or better yet, chose to take action. 

Chances are, if you choose the latter, the three of you will move forward as a unit and hold each other accountable for honest and open communication which is very important ant according to London escorts. It’s simple: honesty is critical to a healthy relationship — and honesty is key to an honest answer about your situation! 

And that’s why London escorts wanted to write this article — it’s important for those who are dealing with their significant others confrontation about cheating. Yes, London escorts know that it’s still hard to believe but it’s the reality of the situation. Many people are cheating these days and many of them never knew about it until they get caught by their partners or boyfriend/girlfriend. 

It doesn’t matter if your partner is monogamous or not, because if they found out about your cheating, chances are they will be rightfully mad at you; this means you must act responsibly. How can you do that? Here are some tips for handling the situation: 

Don’t leave – You must stay calm and collect yourself before taking action (unless your partner is getting violent). If the latter happens, then call the police immediately. If your partner is calm, you must stay and talk to them about what happened. 

– London escorts  say, You must stay calm and collect yourself before taking action (unless your partner is getting violent). If the latter happens, then call the police immediately. If your partner is calm, you must stay and talk to them about what happened. Apologize – Tell them how sorry you are for hurting them and how important they are in your life. Promise that this won’t happen again. 

–  London escorts  say, Tell them how sorry you are for hurting them and how important they are in your life. Promise that this won’t happen again. It’s not you, it’s me – That is the biggest novelties that I hear from people when they get caught for cheating. You must ask them why they think you cheated and how they will explain the situation. 

– That is the biggest novelties that I hear from people when they get caught for cheating. You must ask them why they think you cheated and how they will explain the situation. Be Honest: Consequences – You must tell your partner what happened before he/she gets angry enough to leave the situation altogether. But also make sure to start this process with a conversation first, so your partner knows exactly what happened before he/she gets mad at you.